Authentic Healing Therapy
Authentic Healing Therapy FAQ
01. Services
At Authentic Healing Therapy, I offer telehealth therapy sessions over the phone and video. During your free consultation, we'll establish your goals and a treatment plan for our time together.
02. Rates & Insurance
Individual therapy sessions are $170 for a 50-minute session. Couples therapy sessions are $200 for a 50-minute session. For insurance clients, I can produce a super-bill which can be utilized to file a claim for reinbursement with your insurance provider.
03. Cancelation Policy
I require a 24-hour notice for cancelation and re-scheduling of an appointment. If you are unable to provide this and miss your scheduled appointment, you will be required to pay the full price for the session.
04. Payment
Authentic Healing Therapy accepts payment through various methods, including cash, Venmo, PayPal, and credit cards. Payment is required at the start of each session.
05. Location
Authentic Healing Therapy offers telehealth therapy services over the phone and video. We do not have a physical location and so all therapy will be virtual.